Lots of excitement around our place lately. We are only a few days away from the Crowdfunding launch. It’s surreal to see everything falling into place so well. Thank you, everyone, for your support!! Let’s continue to hit this ball out of the PARK!!!
Another thing that’s creating a pretty happy buzz around here is that Rachel is getting certified to become a nutritional coach! We’re really proud of her and we love the insight that she shares with us. Here is something we’ve been talking about:
It’s interesting how this works, your health is effected by your state of wellness. Your state of wellness is created by your lifestyle.
Below is a blog post that shares thoughts on lifestyle choices that promote health!
Wellness = numerous components of life that lead to a better state of health.
Wellness is a fluid process.
Health = a state of being.
Health is often viewed in terms of good and bad.
Wellness, on the other hand, is dynamic and continuous.
A person’s health refers to their objective states of physical, mental and social well being…
Wellness encompasses the lifestyle practices aimed to enhance those objective states.
Addressing all 6 dimensions of wellness builds a holistic sense of wellness and fulfillment.
We have complied a list of things you can do to help in those areas!
The six components of wellness:
1. Physical
Drink more water and fewer sugary drinks. Staying hydrated is crucial to your physical health. Dr’s have found that many of the problems we have can be solved by simply just drinking more water! The general measurement you should drink is half of your body weight is ounces, but 3 to 4 liters wouldn’t hurt, especially if you are staying active or using a sauna.
Exercise regularly. You don’t have to join a gym (although that is good too!). You don’t have to be intense or do full body blasts! Walks count. Consistency is key.
“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” John Maxwell
Get a good night’s sleep. While we sleep, our bodies do amazing things, like creating endorphins and healing inflammation. Inflammation can cause DNA damage and lead to cancer, so be sure to sleep so your body can repair itself!
2. Emotional
Practice awareness. This will help you find your answers and game plan. What things are causing negative feelings? Everyone is effected differently by things in life, so you will be your best advocate. Do you need more quiet time? Do you need more time connecting with others? Do you need to say no to something or someone? Find your balance. Be proactive. Do not be passive in just letting things happen to you.
3. Occupational
There is a type of happiness that we derive from ‘doing’ something. It is an emotion, a sense of well-being that comes when we feel good about the work we do. Finding “your why” in what you do is huge.
However, there a lot of elements that make your work a positive thing in your life: financial security, social connections, work-life balance, your personality paired with what you’re doing, task significance, environmental conditions… Happy workers are a guarantee for more productivity, more innovation, and less conflict.
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” Simon Sinek
4. Social
Loneliness is a killer. It carries risks to our mortality and affects chronic health problems. Loneliness comes when our relationships with others are not meeting our expectations. Having a lot of friends does not protect you from loneliness. You need a special friend or friends with whom you can share your life, your greatest joys and your darkest secrets. People with strong and broad social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Close relationships with family and friends provide love, meaning, support and increase our feelings of self worth. These networks bring a sense of belonging.
Write down at least one social strategy. Studies show that those who spend more time socializing become more satisfied with their lives. They were the people who committed to teach their daughter to swim or be more understanding of others, to go on a trip with their friends or meet new people.
5. Intellectual
Be open-minded. Be open to new ideas, new cultures, new knowledge, new skills and new environments. When you have an open mind, the world is truly yours. This allows you to explore issues relating to problem solving, critical thinking, learning and creativity.
Listen. When you participate in active listening you are able to fully comprehend the information that is being given to you.
6. Spiritual
Research shows there is a connection between your beliefs and your sense of well being. Trusting in God can give you a grounded life, comfort, and strength. Exercising your faith happens in ways like prayer, worship, forgiveness, loving others, reading the Bible, talking to God, and spending time appreciating the natural world around you.
You can look to doctors, nutritionists, teachers, counselors, mentors and trainers for help, but ultimately, in the end, you have to take responsibility. Be proactive about your lifestyle, which leads to health!